Wednesday, January 14, 2009


The paradox of appreciating life pragmatic approaches may seem to lure the phenomena of monotony or boredom and stirring statements of uncommunicative scenarios of life and interesting fact is the we live with that . Whatever is the cadre of our interest we are always instilled feelings of judgment of phenomena of failure despair and indifference regarding life's affairs.

Since its only me that who is addressing and yet we haven t assimilated such a apprising way to deal with the knocking wit of life and the satire that it broods. Now here are we with a new movie encompassing again the formal discretionary pain and hunger to struggle in life and live it int the way we wish it to live like that

The movie features Bette Davis of whom the playing is confused with colloquial terms of High School or with whom our stately reasoning prefers a noble though conventional thought of emotional yet tragic.

Here is the Movie

In this our life 1948

May be I am exaggerating the magnificence of Bette Davis sombre eyes but the real approach which you can deduce is from seeing this movie and you will agree with my indigenous maxim that they are "Bette Davis has wild ,wild eyes, anyone who has seen something even greater may he is in the matter of aliqouts combination".

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