Thursday, January 1, 2009


obviously to my blog so, here are we discuss and share some handier things along with small talk. Primarily about careers , Life in Lahore and weather. Although they indeed are really strange and vague topics to discuss about but my aim would be about anything what one wishes to say. My blogger is open for laughing , weeping , jeering, and healthy scolding of the stuff I offer.

In Particular we will discuss movies , dramas, current affairs or anything one wishes to talk about. We will be sharing links of Classic Movies , Music, E-Books and URLs to where one wants to drift himself and find quiet cumbersome how to and where to start.etc

Now Dear Chum a treat : Links of a classic Movie which will refresh you enough to continue further parching the blogger

Its Movie by glorious actress Vivien Leigh named
Anna Karenina

I would suggest to understand such personalities Those suffering from schizophrenia and bipolar disorders lead a life of Misery and abominable fate. Watching Movie is really easy .Inculcating someone is really a difficult but derive something about the tragedies of the heroes and heroines is rather a scholarly approach. May you learn far more about human experience than jabbering about everyday phenomenas

The Second one too is tragedy which you of course deserve in the next post

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